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lol that thing only takes a few seconds and it doesn't affect much, I think I use bulk upload because of that problem too so now I just bulk upload every time, not knowing how long it'll take is better than having to upload than it not working and upload again lol.

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okies i tried bulk upload and it don't work either grrr. however, i'm now able to upload that yui clip on my yui page. i use ie for the spicy one and mozilla for the yui one. i thought it was ie prob too but when i uploaded stuff to spicy using the mozilla it still didn't work sometimes. sigh...

the youtube help isn't any help either, i noticed so many ppl having my problem too

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lolz but for some reason yours actually gets uploaded fine. even when i leave it it's 50/50 chance it'll upload well. funny thing is it only started doing this a like last week. before then i never had problem uploading. but now it's error error everytime

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maybe you caught a virus, I used to do this with Shamp lol 2 years ago I had problems so I upload and Shamp dl and upload onto youtube for me, I think I ended up re-formatting and it started to work fine again, maybe p'Noiki can try, system restore to an earlier week?

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I didn't get any warning either, maybe your IE or FF setting is off? something expired? I have no idea, sometimes things just happen, like last month I suddenly had to reformat because I couldn't record from DooTv, even though a day before it was fine, after I reformat, it works great lol.

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Recently I also got some problems when upload videos to youtube. I found out that once there is an error, I need to reboot the computer, otherwise the error will always be there even I upload other files. Luckily such things don't happen quite frequently (once or twice a week, and my PC is uploading almost 7/24 now...)

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yeah i did a whole bunch of things, i already cleared my cache and i thought that helped bc it was able to upload one vid, then it wouldn't upload right again so i went back and cut the vid a little bit and then it finally uploaded.

well now i'm just uploading vids set to private first then if it works i set it to public. it's kinda annoying

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Someone flag my videos?? and I got a warning from Youtube that my videos contains nudity, errr, whatever I checked it out, it was nothing close, stupid thing. If someone accidentally flag me again my account might get close >_<

OMG that's hoooorrible! What if someone meant to flag your videos just to try to get your account closed?

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Someone flag my videos?? and I got a warning from Youtube that my videos contains nudity, errr, whatever I checked it out, it was nothing close, stupid thing. If someone accidentally flag me again my account might get close >_<

OMG that's hoooorrible! What if someone meant to flag your videos just to try to get your account closed?

May karma get them back, all I have to do is be prepared and get over it *dunno*

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oh dear, what a horrible person to do that, i remember ana saying ppl kept flagging her vids too that's why her first account got closed

lolz sunny i just got ur invite for the new spicy channel heh heh i was wondering who the heck stole our spicy theme in the name, turns out to be you

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