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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. lol gotta have to work on it again?
  2. *run* man lol we have a wikipedia?
  3. wahahaha meanie boohoo why are you so mean to me? there I cried a river But are you djing here too?
  4. I'm sensitive, so I'll disappear?
  5. she just spilled she just woke up
  6. Tina is blind lol Natty has been talking about it forever and about time it's going on
  7. shampoo


    haven't try uploading anything on sendspace. Didn't watch anyting on IPTV today lol so don't know. but yesterday was just buffering for me but it got better.
  8. aish lol but I can convert episode 1. It happened a couple of time for episode 1 but I managed to get it. lol It's okay I used another program already.
  9. how come it's so hard to conver in this damn program? I'm trying to convert .wma to avi but after a while it kept saying error?
  10. shampoo


    lol All I know it was plenty hahaha
  11. shampoo


    oh yeah she has less than 15 posts.
  12. shampoo


    oh I didn't know Natty deleted her or banned her
  13. lol did they paid for it? I would totally be mad. lol
  14. lol those are quite funny though. what a bad coincidence lol get thrown and ran by a car. lol Sad yeah our connection is like that too. I hate when that happens.
  15. always wow 4 laptops in the past 5 years lol, you have a record there. yeah now the lap top is always plugged in.
  16. May I think Compaq computer sucks. lol Cuz we have one and we bought it for about 1 years than it died. We have warranty so we took it for them to fix it but like a year later it died. lol Then last time I fixed it but the screen just went black on me. Whenever we turn the computer on the screen died down. I know with my sister's lap top she always warn us to unplugged it if it's full. But sometimes you forgot. lol Now we have to plugged it in all the time because the battery doesn't last a minute anymore. Yup it could be overhearting too. My brother has one of those notebook cooler.
  17. lol like my desktop have that problem before, I think it keep shutting down itself.
  18. maybe your computer catch a virus. lol I don't know. hmm
  19. shampoo


    OMFG!!!!! What the heck?
  20. shampoo


    Honestly, I'd like to think you're making this up why? How can a person knows you so well? Know Amy's name, knows that you is a member here, knows your password and knows your email. If it's not someone closed to you then how do they know? So it is either you or someone closed to you. hmm Sure people can hack but ummm why do they only hack your? hmmm But makes me think of that one guest who can post here. Weird things happen at this forum. Well this comment is not to attack you but this is what I was thinking at this moment. Your explanation in here confuse me.
  21. shampoo


    That's kind of weird. Maybe you was using someone's computer and didn't log off?
  22. no problem ja. We will improve lol this is our very first anyway. lol
  23. well the one at youtube, you can see it but it's kind of hard. yeah it make darker, that will look better. lol lol yeah I'm excitig like usual. I want to get a project done. lol
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