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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. oh many forums have their access rules. lol but many just less post than ours.
  2. it was available for all members at one point, I think 1 or 2 month ago. now it's close to advance members. Anyway newbie shouldn't even question their access to the media section.
  3. hey why do I have to be the man's voice :omg5: geez, I'll be the man, I think ahem ahem my voice is deep enough. yeah right. I'm not timing it. oh so will you be subbing it in the Thai version or khmer?
  4. sure, i love KKRKKR (everytime i think of it, everytime i want to watch) if someone has sub "badarn jai" and god knows how boring it was, i can sub "sadtree", at least, noon is better than margie and oil than aum. talking about aum, since "JLR", there's always a scene in his lakorn where he's shirtless... how are you going sub? you have a translator?
  5. yeah I don't have virtualdub anymore. lol I have the timing program. omg timing is what takes the most time. lol
  6. lol I think I try Sadtree when it was on air. I have like an episode done? but I give up.
  7. you can't encode with wmv....it's only compatible for AVI and maybe mpeg? not sure. plus I don't have that program to encode anymore.
  8. it's tempting. but it's so much work. If subbing, I'm always translating but I don't want to do the rest of the stuff...the editing, the converting and the encoding.
  9. yeah just don't look down. Like that's easy to miss.
  10. I hope he looks as hot as he is at the opening. and I hope they don't dress him in tight. seems like that is the inevitable.
  11. last time you said you'll be the editor but nope because we're too lazy. lol I'm always in for you Mai. Let's change our title to, Editor, Translator and Encoder.
  12. we all have to be eager to do this....one or two person subbing, editing, and encoding won't work.
  13. maybe we can change it. hey but maybe dubbing is better than subbing if we have all the material.
  14. dubbing and subbing is different. lol
  15. lalita we can't dub it. lol oh no no, golden oil won't do. the story is not that interesting. lol
  16. I'm using mozilla so this browser for spicy is a lot faster. I don't like using IE, somehow spicy doesn't work well on that browser.
  17. maybe you should ask Kimberly. I think RS have a few webbage on it?
  18. so hard for me to log off when using mozilla and mozilla is fast for Spicy.
  19. I think cheaptickets.com and travelocity is the same? anyway yeah you need to call the airline for it. It has never happen to me but a guy was sitting on my seat and I told him that's my seat. He look at his ticket and said his was the same number, so the FA looked at the list and said his number was something else. lol Mistakes happen.
  20. I think you just have to go with the 400 dollars lol cuz it can't go cheaper and don't wait any longer it might go up.
  21. hrmm really? I thought they said taxes is included already lol well I have never personally ordered it so maybe you're right Mai. well Halloween is very near, you should have bought it early.
  22. lol but the taxes is already included. still hasn't sold out yet...hrrmmm but my sister better hurry. eeekkks. is travelocity still that expensive where you live to NY?
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