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Status Updates posted by Kidtueng

  1. Can wait unit tomorrow for daung taa nai duangjai.gosh getting more interest

  2. Can't believe, I dreamed about p'lor and E'paeng in two days following also the time are closely too.

  3. Ch 7 this year promote for their 35 HD is very cool. P.S weir's ig update gosh I'm just melting like a ice cream melt 555

  4. ch7 concert on tour is not recorded as tape right?

  5. Congratulation to the lovely koo gine weirminî„…

  6. Congratulation to weir, open another new business. Hope u the best

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      And the funny thing is that most of his businesses are in the same street. This time it's a coffee/ice cream shop.

    3. Kidtueng


      555 like jacktvpool teasing him, u gonna be Jaopor on this street area.

      Want to post pic :(

    4. Sunny


      Its good for him in the long run if its successful he will be the envy of everyone!

  7. Don't know why the song E'paeng sing is alway in my mind now and make me alway sing it too. Yesterday I sing this song all the way to Sacramento and back. My sis said now u so scrazy, why did u keep sing it and who tell u it. I just laugh lol

  8. Don't touch my king Rungsimarn! I don't see one suit it

  9. Everything happen so fast I almost lost my dad if we take him to hospital late.get well soon waiting to say welcome back home

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. teptida


      hope he has a fast recovery. Fight fight!

    3. Kidtueng


      Thanks everyone...Hope my father will be fast recover as u all wish, and Out of the ICU room soon.

    4. shampoo


      Late... But I hope he has a speedy recover

  10. Everytime I finish pp I always wanna leave a message to yui ig

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sunnyaucheung


      Did you praise her acting skill in PP? lol

    3. Mai


      lol What would you say?

    4. Kidtueng


      I will soon, I keep it when she come bother p'lor and Paeng. Idk what should I, maybe all my angry that I hold it from epi one till now. I think meet her in person is more interest lol. I wanna do to her like I show to my sis, not even one min she grab my hands and say stop it before I die lol. Don't let me play Paeng roles cuz she will get a lot mistake from me 555 Sound like I crazy, yes I am 55

  11. Fan post happy weir and Kim met,lol didn't know fan waiting for them met too. Watching the interview, channel ask for adding more epi for the Lakorn when this is not not air. Great, this is meant the Lakorn is good if not wouldnt get to add more when they just check the edit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. m3lhouse


      Ae's been giving Kim lots of work... Kinda awkward when mark left him.... Weir did seem like he had a crush on Kim when he named her as someone he'd like to hug or something.

    3. Pikachu


      aww. They look really good, I hope they get more work together

    4. Noydarny80


      Oh so Kim left Yayee Marin? I checked her IG Yayeemarin and it private now. I wonder if it have anything to do with Kim.

  12. Feel disappoint for myself that this time i doesn't post much pic of la ruk in the thread

    1. Mai


      awww but at least you still do, better than some who don't contribute at all. Pat on the back na

    2. Sunny


      You've done heaps while I was away ^^ Don't worry, their next lakorn together you can make it up hehe

    3. Kidtueng


      Hahahaha... yep, that what I think too. I will come pay in they next Lakorn

  13. Good luck dad & mom

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maiko


      @Kidtueng: Aw, how sweet and loving! Good luck to them! :D

    3. Kidtueng
    4. Maiko


      You're welcome, Kidtueng! :3

  14. Good night all... I'm going to sleep have to get wake up early to catch with krao and anuch 555+

    1. NinjaKKN


      Goodnight. I have to sleep too. But too bad I won't get to watch it until after work. :(

  15. Gosh if u that hurry than don't ask me to put make up for ur Halloween. I'm the one that make up u so I should be the one that tell u the minutes not u tell me the minutes when it done

  16. Gosh my mom made me so mad,I told her before that I want to get the laptop for my bro but when my step grandma duaghter say she want it than she just get to her. I can't do anything just come to my room and cry for the angry are out of me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mai


      It's an asian thing, we all go through it. Cry it out in silence. Hope it works out for u

    3. Kidtueng


      Yeah... my tears fall hard than a minute I'm okay. I'm get mad easy but I am forgive easy too

    4. Mai


      I've done the same, but it's an Asian thing to just cry it out and be silent without communicating with your elders. Else it would be a disrespectful thing.

  17. Gosh what is happen to my phone can't uploading at. Alway stop by itself is my internet is too slow or the phone argggg.

  18. gosh, the thairath web is now hard to copy the letter like a paragraph.

  19. Gosh! What wrong with newsplus how can their become suck like bugaboo

  20. Gosh!! How I wish ch7 made they bugaboo video more easy to download.

    1. xiong123


      Bugaboo is sooo slow I can't even watch the Lakorns. I wish Ch7 would just upload on YouTube.

    2. Kidtueng


      It's work fine for me since I change the speed of the internet. The only thing I need from bugaboo is download it's too hard to dl. I wish they could make it easy like other website

    3. Thip


      I agree lol

  21. Gosh!! So mad, I was afraid end of prao will be the same as watching live. Not going anywhere it's as my afraid. Why not chose the best for ur bussiness so ppl can happy to order

    1. Risa


      What are you talking about?? I don't get it, Kidtueng.

  22. great leading actor awards, congrats to weir

    1. asher13


      congrats to Weir!

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