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Everything posted by tovsleeptov

  1. God bless all the Syrian race. This such a heartbreaking situation :(

  2. Miley Cyrus disgusted me!!! She's not even talented!! She just got famous by go around naked.

    1. Sreymao


      She's older more disgusting lol.. I'll love her Hanna Montana days

    2. dhaf


      someone just wrote what i thought 2 days ago when i saw her pic in the VMA i had this reaction "ewwwwww" all the time

      i'm seriously start doubting she has a mental or psychological illness she need help, or she had an inner desire to become porn star coz that all i can think of when i see her naked pic all over the place

    3. Noydarny80


      I think she is a lot better then the Kardshanian family. Talentless people get fame for being nothing.

  3. Whoa... "Yong Pal" is so addicting. No wonder the rating is so good.

  4. Saw the news about Bangkok bomb, that is so sad...R.I.P.

    1. sunnyaucheung
    2. Kimix


      yea, its all over the American media. FB/Twitter social media. Damn....terrorist bombing attract US media like speed of light. but it also goes to show BKK gets very well coverage in the west.

  5. "focus" was good. i should've watch it long time ago.

    1. Kimix


      OMG! girl! tell me about! I WAS BLOWN AWAY by WILL SMITH! I was SO SMITTEN by him! I would TOTALLy recommend the movie if anyone hasn't seen it! It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD! The BEST I have seen in Hollywood this year!

    2. tovsleeptov


      Hahaa I enjoyed it well...

  6. Nadech's new haircut makes him looks really young ^_^

  7. My life will be so empty without drama to watch and manga to read!!!

  8. "Jurassic World" was really good in the beginning but the last part was so so. What I love the most is the main lead they are so cute together ^^

    1. Sreymao


      I liked it hehe.. my boys love Dino. Watched on 3d is even better too. Scary that the Dino coming towards you lol

    2. tovsleeptov


      I like it too. Just that the last part didn't wow me. I can't get enough of the main lead though :)

    3. NinjaKKN


      I like it. It was much better than the last one.

  9. I wanna see Thanwa and Min pair up ^^

  10. Wow "Furious7" got me crying at the last minute for Paul Walker T_T!!!

    1. spring13


      you're not the only one who cried. I'm sure his fans, the crew of furious franchise, and his family all sad to see him on screen again. The song SEE You Again by WIZ KHALIFA at the beach scene was perfect song to send off paul.

      Vin Diesel named his daughter Pauline, in honor of Paul Walker his brother, friend & coworker. He will forever be miss, but not gone :(

    2. tovsleeptov


      Yeah, everyone was crying as well.

  11. OMG Lydia wedding is so beautiful!!!

  12. Kim Hyun Joon has reconciled with his ex-gf and will become a father this September. WHAT!!!!

    1. Thip


      thats why he probably reconciled lol

    2. ASH30
    3. ladc


      O M G...Is it even worth it to go back with him when its quite evident that he's abuser...

  13. I love "fifty shades of grey" I can't wait for part 2... I don't know anything about the book, so the ending was shocking!! After I did some research about part 2 and 3 I'm kind of feel better and can't wait for more :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. shampoo


      Hahahahah @opening his mouth.

    3. tovsleeptov


      Lol yeah he looks super hot in suit, or may be those cloth that makes him looks good. Lol love his sharp eyes. I find his looks really suit his character as Christian Grey.

    4. Sunny


      I have a date to go see this with my gf early next month haha

  14. I'm falling in love with Son Yuke in "Hua Jai Ruea Puang" now. First time watch his lakorn :)

  15. Re-watching "Reang Pratana" lol. Nadech's reaction n expression just so handsome :)

    1. xiong123


      lol I re-watched it to since I love Nadech and Kim's chemistry in there

    2. Mai


      Nadech had no chemistry towards Kim lol

    3. janaaa_


      I agree with Mai lol.

  16. "Hyde Jekyll, Me" the teaser looks pretty good. been so lonely with nothing to watch. now Im so exciting with all the upcoming drama&lakorn ^_^

  17. The ice bucket challenge has taken over the internet!!

    1. Sunny


      That's great but I hope people do not forget about other charities as well.

  18. Pray for those victims of Malaysian Airline and their families...

    1. Mai


      prayers to the families and friends they left behind

  19. Go Argentina!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      Someone needs to score. I don't want it to go to penalty kick.

    3. NinjaKKN


      Yay! Germany won! My prediction is spot on.

    4. tovsleeptov
  20. Oscars, reminds me of Paul Walker. Miss him T_T

  21. 'My love come from the stars' ep 18 was awesome. specially the last part. DO MANAGER.....DONT DIE!!!!

  22. So looking forward to 'My love from the stars' tmr. I'm gonna be very disappointed if she still hasn't find out his true identity yet. I love the drama, but ugh!!! The progressing/developing is a bit slow. I wouldn't have any problem if that drama has 30 or more episodes lol.

  23. I just fell in love with 'Mars' a Taiwanese drama all over again ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tovsleeptov
    3. shampoo


      Blah still hate Barbie but I tolerated her in there cuz Vic make up for it. The story is too good that even her alien ears don't nor face don't bother me. Lol! Can't watch her in other series.

    4. tovsleeptov


      Lol yes, she has huge ears and the way she walks kinda odd. Compare to those homely looking taiwanese actress Barbie is pretty. her face suit her character much in Mars

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