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Status Replies posted by Noydarny80

  1. Wow, Peter and his wife Ploy are having second baby. I believe they said another boy. Congrats to Peter and Ploy.

  2. Wow, Peter and his wife Ploy are having second baby. I believe they said another boy. Congrats to Peter and Ploy.

  3. Do celebs hold a press conference for everything nowadays? Kan is holding one tomorrow

  4. Do celebs hold a press conference for everything nowadays? Kan is holding one tomorrow

  5. Do celebs hold a press conference for everything nowadays? Kan is holding one tomorrow

  6. Go at your own pace. Life has its own purpose. Take it slow and enjoy it. If you do everything all at once, you won't have anything to look forward to. #Xmas #resolutions #2016

  7. ❤ Weir & Min ☆ reunited ❤

  8. ❤ Weir & Min ☆ reunited ❤

  9. Min's translated version of Baan Sai Thomg - "House Sand Golden" Vee's version - "Home Sand Golden" lol

  10. Happy December! Just thinking about how time go so fast. Another year is about to finish. But 2014 was like my life accomplishment, I'm very content with 2014 so far :)

  11. Ch3 is remaking nang tard and the cast is a big NOOOO

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Eat lots of food and share lots of love :)

  13. Fortune teller predicted that Mark and Kim will be split in 2015. What a short lived union

  14. ^_^ Happy Thanksgiving everyone here at Spicy Forum.

  15. Excited for no gluttonous shame today, but I'm in charge of mash potatoes so off to peeling a whole sack I go! Happy Thanks!, ya'll!

  16. Rumour has it that Ae (Janie's ex hubby) is reconciling with his ex-wife Tu

  17. OMFG! The email tag between my supervisor and I was so confusing! Either one of us were really dope or just not getting the point?! Lmao. How shameful!

  18. Just updated the Jud Rak thread. Finally a picture of Bie and Noona all chummy, at least in my POV! 555

  19. its official i will be going to thailand in March. so excited .

  20. So cold thanks again to polar vortex. I was hoping for mild cool winter.

  21. Omg I was shock see that the peuan pang thread is lock already. why soon poor thread

  22. Well I think I love men in uniform. At the area where I live every November is the USMC birthday ball and you'll see beautiful men in their uniform.

  23. Good to be back. It was fun. But gotta say I hate wedding for making me fatter. 555

  24. OMG I'm happy Marie is coming back to acting. Just saw some photos from the fitting and its not for CH3 but CH1

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