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Posts posted by Sunny

  1. Yea she's like trying to get attention but also can't from the internationals, she doesn't come out friendly and that shows because she has no international celebs friends even though she's been there so many years, just looking so full of herself each year.

  2. I think its more like friends and family bringing gifts for your soon to be born baby lol

    It also bothered me that one of my friend who got married had a kitchen tea or something and then a hens night like two gift grabbing event before her actual wedding that also require gifts as well lol I dunno is that a thing? hahaha

  3. How cute! My sister didn't do any baby showers for 3 of her kids lol I think she didn't want to go through all the trouble lol but my friend had one when she was around 7 months I think but I didn't attend, don't remember why either. Wonder what its like hehe.

    Congrats to them both you know as they are a cute and funny couple

  4. Actually she looks good on her third day I just saw her dress and all the make up do and hairdo its better than the past two days lol

    Errr nevermind when she was going down the stairs it looks good but once on the red carpet dammn it makes her look so stumpy lol

  5. Yea all her dress choices are nice the thing is it outshine her lol she chooses all the dresses herself I think, like they'll have a bunch for her to choose from and she will make the final decision or at least beg for it hahaha I remember watching a clip couple years ago there was one dress she really wanted and they told her it wouldn't happen but in the end she got what she wanted.

  6. Chomp always chooses the dress that outshine herself and not choosing ones that will make her shine lol because all I see every time is myself checking out her dress and not her. She needs to be more grounded when on the red carpet, be natural and stop being so over lol.

  7. Butting in with the Asian stuff, our family don't associate ourselves with other Thai people in our town because of all the gossips and lies and two face stuff too, we just mind our own business, stay in our territory. But by just minding our own business and doing our own stuff people get jealous and create gossips and stuff about our family, that's how bad it is lol.

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