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Posts posted by Sunny

  1. Yep, I'm supposed to but I can't, I cannot gain anymore weight, I don't control what I eat and when or what type of food, I eat anything when I'm hungry, I don't restrict myself either, I stop when I'm full and yea I can eat sweets all the times as well.... I guess because I burn it off through working? I eat dinner 10pm but I don't sleep till hours later. I'm not a morning person so I don't really get to have breakfast but go straight to lunch lol.

    I think everything should be fine as long as you're healthy as in your body is in good function and have all the vitamins and all.

  2. *hugs* Thank you, but I lost 1 kg in the past 4 nights because I can't eat right and I miss eating so much, I almost, almost put chili in my food today because I was craving that bad but really had to stop myself because my wound isn't heal yet still pain without medication. I think having extra weight only a bit extra is better than being on that normal weight just in case of illness or something because you loose it so fast in that case, my lowest was 81lb when I fell ill one time 6 years ago and that was within 4 days I dropped, I don't ever want to go there again.

  3. Not sure if Por is looking down proud or shaking his head because in the past few years all the effort he did to kind of hide them. I guess she wants to be one of those celeb's wife's single mother lol.

    Look at mummy


    Look at daughter


    Please take her home to have her usual routine tsk tsk she's still drinking milk too, she just needs to play eat and sleep not out in the crowd full of germs and being tired. Her way of coping is pretty selfish.

  4. I dont think this is helping Mali in any way at the moment, she's only 2 she wouldn't know, she isn't coping with the loss, she's going to be coping with the workload that children at that age shouldn't be doing. They should be in playgrounds, at home playing blocks and eating ice cream, outdoors in the nature, playing dirt, secretly eating stuff off the floor and running around hitting and falling over. Not to be taking pics in a studio or in an outdoor set with strong lights and crowds of people. Por was doing it for himself to be away from the spotlights, Bow seems to be doing it for herself to be in the spotlight.

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