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Status Updates posted by Sunny

  1. That is random, did you check out my profile and my About Me page?? LOL see how bore I am , I regularly change the lakorns I'm watching above my banner too LOL, really nothing to do X_X

  2. That was like so 2007 haha a very late reply :P

  3. That's okay about the fan-fic I think a lot of members do incomplete fan-fic too it's no problem. Do you have any troubles in Spicy? Unfortunately I can't delete you as a member, we don't do that and when a member is deleted their posts will still be there but under the ugly name of Guest -_-

  4. The closer I am to you, the more pain. ಥ_ಥ

  5. the crazy app going around. how-old.net ... how old do you look to the internet? I look 14 haha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. honda


      I thought of trying it but not sure if I can take it telling me I look a lot older than I really am lol

    3. sunnyaucheung


      It's a dumb app like Ninja said. lol One picture said I look 17 and the other pic said I look 26. Lol

    4. honda


      Out of curiosity I had to try. I tried it with various pictures and I must say I like the numbers i8t gave me lol

  6. The days are approaching! Singapore & Seoul... its going to be such an experience!! Never dream I'll be doing this all myself!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sunny


      Thank you girls, I leave next weekend, still a week but the excitement just hit me today ^^

    3. Mai


      Have a safe and fun trip my dear sister!

    4. Sunny


      Thank you sis <3

  7. The program I used to situate my subs were a mixture of Subtitle Workshop 4 and than launching up Subtitle Workshop to finalize the fonts, location, shadows and colours lol. Than I went to VirtualDub to do the outputs etc and saving to whatever. Is that what you do? LOL

  8. There's a vaccine for Dengue fever! Let's pray it work for no more loss of life to this deadly disease

  9. There's something fishy and out of place in MU 2014, hard for them this year!

    1. NinjaKKN


      555 The girl who won has a body that's quite out of shape for a beauty queen. Plus her mouth is foul.

    2. Sunny


      All top 3 is really weird in their one, of course the winner currently have the hot stones at the moment calling out about the protest. The 1st runner I think she's very sad she didn't win and she shows it even though she say she is happy with her position. 3rd runner has abit of history herself, what is MU Thailand coming to lol

    3. Thip


      Lol I was going to post status asking about it too

  10. These people want to know p'Noiki hehehe.

  11. This is a first to be planning my life in schedule every fortnightly and its full everyday :(

  12. This year I'm going to give birth to a new me ^^

  13. throwing up black stuff, a sign? yea right for not eating proper.. all my own fault!

    1. tipstar


      Doesn't sound very good Sunny. Have you been to the doctors?

    2. Sunny


      No I haven't, just going to live through it, its going away. I think I just don't eat on time and starve myself that's why... or maybe its good poisoning. We'll see what happens hehe. Thanks Tipstar.

    3. Sunny


      **food poisoning

  14. time flies, exams in 2 weeks and I'm done with school for the year. I hope next year is better though... slowly loosing my motivation lol

    1. cherryred1


      Sunny long time no talk how are u hope everything is well with u. I see you've been busy take care

  15. Today is the 11/12/13. Will never get it like this again in this life time. Happy Wednesday everybody :)

    1. Maiko


      But what's so special, Sunny? :o 11/12/13 as in December 11, 2013? =o Happy Wednesday to you, too! =D

    2. Sunny


      Yes over here we do the dates in that order, unlike you guys on the other side of the world lol. Have a great one Maiko!

    3. Maiko


      Haha, I thought so! xD At first I thought you meant November 12, 2013, but we're way past November. :D The "Happy Wednesday" helps clear some of the confusion hehe. I think there are plenty of people who write out the dates in that order over here, too. Just not very common. LOL! Aw, will try to have a great one, for so many things to do! Need to prepare for Christmas!!! <D Thanks, Sunny! ^_^ You, too, now! =D

  16. Tore between two places, Europe or USA? :(

  17. Trying to update Spicy as much as I can before school...

  18. Very pretty, nice to meet you :)

  19. Wahh saw Aff, she is so petite and pretty! ^_^

  20. Waiting for my official offer letter from the university its taken so long, causing stress and delays!!

  21. Waiting for the birth of my new angel..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noydarny80


      I don't have kids of my own but I want my siblings to have more kids. right now I have one niece and nephew. Congrats on your new baby nephew. Boy is so fun, you can play rough with them they are still laughing most of the time.

    3. Sreymao


      @noy. Boys are fun yes, they play rough lol. . I beat them in street fighter they say it's on mommy lol.

    4. Mai
  22. Warning: Major upgrade in the next coming days to a week. *fingers crossed*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tEaRdRoP


      I had problems...I could view but couldn't comment lol so hopefully it won't make things worst for me.

    3. shampoo
    4. Noydarny80


      I hope the upgrade is good. Thanks for the warning!!

  23. was excited to see homework only have 5 Qs but than it has a, b, c, d, e to each questions!!

  24. Watched a Chinese drama that was said to be remark of 'Sawan Biang' HAHA dumbest of the dumbest female lead role I've ever seen in my series watching history !!

    1. krisayaporn


      Wah!!! I need to watch that either. Please, tell a chinese name. I will search that

    2. Sunny


      Its really really slow and the n'ek is very very dumb, the storyline doesn't even have anything like SB only the part about the sis marrying p'ek dad. I watched it and finished it within one night as I FF alot!! But if you really want, its called "Love is the Best" its on Viki.

  25. Watching lakorns with my parents and I complained of all the things I would of done. My father ''You would be a great director'' in a praising way :o surprised comment hehe.

    1. Mai


      My parents say the same but it's not a compliment but sarcasm

    2. Sunny


      I think it was a compliment because he never said it before, first time last night I probably have said something he would like to see also lol

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