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Everything posted by Noydarny80

  1. I want this week to be over now.lol pay week=broke

    1. Sreymao


      Lol.. the worst part of being adult.

    2. Noydarny80


      Yup yup. My bills always due on the week I get pay.Being adult suck.

    3. Sunny


      I look forward to my pay so I can pay my debts lol

  2. I just saw the teaser for Roy Ruk Raeng Kaen and it looks so good and interesting. It looks more like a movie then lakorn to me. I think Michael and Pooklook look good together.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tovsleeptov
    3. tovsleeptov


      The last part when she cry touched my heart.

    4. sunnyaucheung


      I'm excited for this lakorn too.

  3. Yesterday it was Boy Pakorn Birthday, I saw Kim, Mark and Margie posts on IG. Only people I didn't see were Yaya, Nadech and Mint. Even Janie did a post for him on her IG.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kimix


      I can calm down :) haha like I said, I try to advocate for peace too lolz but the amount of rudeness boy goes around trolling Mark/Kim on IG makes me sick of him. And NO! I do not BOTHER with that lousy mouth, but because I am in touch with Mark's live updates on IG, lmao, I see exactly what the Thai fans updates. Lmao! And coming from a fan of Mark, I was VERY startled that he even wished boy a bday msg because if I were Mark, I would turn a death ear on boy. lmfao!!

    3. Kimix


      And so I guess that explains why none of these people respond to boy; yaya, nadech, even somebody like mint who's work was previously with boy lol

    4. Noydarny80


      Just a status. Relax and calm down everyone. Yes, we are always going to be biased when it comes our favorite.

  4. I don't know about you guy but I think Margie's boyfriend is very sexy. Maybe I have a thing for a bad boy and tattoos. From the way he speaks Thai, look like English is his preference language.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kimix


      he looks gay/weird to me...just like Margie lol so I guess they complement one another

    3. Noydarny80


      When he was with Kwan he was super feminine and clean. I guess he doesn't have a good reputation for while but Margie said he calms down now.

    4. Thip


      he has his moments where he looks good lol but gosh his voice is a turn off for me hahah

  5. Janie's ex husband is going to jail for a year for election scandal. I bet she is really happy about it.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. vmnew


      Om what basis can he be granted a Royal pardon. Will they say, he has had good behaviour for 16 years so we can pardon him? I think that will be unfair if he is let off. He serve time for atleast evading arrest.

    3. honda


      The rich always gets off easy

    4. Noydarny80



      I saw this post. He is now a disgraced politician.lol Janie just said no comment when they asked her about it.

  6. Diet time. I have to say good bye to all sugar food. Hello Rice and Chicken for the rest of the year. Wish me luck.lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      Funny how I wanna giant weight instead lol

    3. Noydarny80


      Gosh I wish I have a good metabolism like you. I was told to go for brown rice not white jasmine. I love Jasmine rice too much and brown is tasteless.

    4. tovsleeptov


      I can never go on diet even if I'm over weight. I can't restrain myself from eating the thing I want haha

  7. I don't understand why Thai celebrities just don't come and say we're dating. Most of them are in marriageable age, so there's nothing wrong to admit " I am seeing this person ".

    1. Sunny


      Celebs sometimes don't see just one person, what if they don't end up marrying that person? breaking up, too much business and trouble to handle, might as well say we're just siblings lol therefore if they do break up, there is nothing to clear with the media lol.

  8. Summer is almost over. Sighs School is starting pretty soon and I am excited!!!!

    1. Sunyah


      This year summer went by fast. I'm so sad that its going to be over so soon.

    2. Sreymao



    3. Noydarny80


      Where are you guy going for family vacation?

  9. Rest in Peace to the 4 Marines who were killed yesterday In Tn. My heart goes to their families. Lost in someone in the battle is very sad but lost your Marines at home is more heart breaking ever.

  10. Depression is contagious because my boyfriend stressed me out just from looking at him.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimix


      yikes. that's hard to deal with. maybe take him for a drive, buy him dinner, a drink, or whatever that can refresh him.

    3. vmnew


      Take him on a hike or to any place that has a lot of trees and nature Noy. This has been proven to help with depression. This can also refresh both of you.

    4. Mai


      Yup and it becomes a point where you get upset at them for not wanting to get better

  11. Oh how come channel 7 is secretive about their new lakorns and who they are going to pair up with???

    1. Thip


      its annoying

    2. NinjaKKN


      Everything is very top secret. Lol

  12. Omg I love ugly duckling series so far. I hope the next one is as good as Perfect match. So cool how they show the realism of society where a lot of people live together before marriage.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tEaRdRoP


      Welcome to our crazy world of P'Suer.

    3. Sunny


      p'Suer is collecting his dek in Spicy lol

    4. Sreymao


      I've watch 2 episode I'm in love with P'suer already

  13. Happy Fourth of July everyone. Have a great weekend.

    1. Sreymao


      Happy 4th To you too. Be safe when handling the fireworks lol. .

    2. sunnyaucheung


      Happy 4th of July to you too.

  14. Hi guy can you put spoiler on my picture post for "Lok mai..... lakorn". Sorry it was late and I forgot about it. Thanks
  15. So channel 7 just purchased a historical romantic series called " Thepkarn". There's four novels and the author already requests Cee as praek.lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noydarny80


      From the author interview her books are set in the 50's or earlier because she said she doesn't want them to change the language to modern.

    3. NinjaKKN


      Thep Karn Series is different. Part 1 is the father's story, Cee can take the role of Thanchai Karn. I could careless. 555 Part 2, I want Weir as Khunchai Thom, the playboy hot-tempered nephew of Thanchai Karn. N'ek can be Min.

    4. NinjaKKN


      As for part 3, I want Milly and Nikki as the twin daughters of Thanchai Karn. Milly's p'ek can be Michael and Nikki's p'ek can be Mek. Lastly, Thanwa as Khunchai Petch in part 4 since he looks like he can be Milly and Nikki’s older brother. And n'ek can be Kat.

  16. Haven't find anything excited to watch for last two months. sighs All I've watch are from USA.lol

  17. I live by the ocean but I never get to enjoy it like other people. I hate being a grown up because you have to work all the time.

    1. Mai


      Usually you dont appreciate the things near you. People think that since Im Canadian I must ski in the winter, but Ive only done so twice in my life lol

    2. Noydarny80


      Lol I grew up in Canada too but moved to USA when I was in my Teen. I also remember curling, ice hockey, and maple syrup. I don't know why.lol

    3. Mai


      Are you still Canadian or officially an American now?

  18. Oh man I can't stand this heat wave. For past two weeks I have to deal with temperature near 100F.

    1. krisayaporn


      In Thailand, It's hot so much. I think it's hot like a hell

    2. Sreymao


      It's the humidity I can't stand. Hot with a little air.

    3. Noydarny80


      I've been there around this time. My Relatives wait until 4pm to take me around.

  19. Frustrated...people are unbelievable, they said they are here to help the poor people in the community but yet their real motives are not innocent at all. Why can't they just give and expecting nothing in return.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sunnyaucheung


      Lol Talk about frustrated.. I'm REALLy frustrated with Ch7 right now.

    3. Kizukami


      is it involved politics? then when it comes to politics, nothing is innocent lol

    4. Noydarny80


      No it have nothing to do with politic. It's a group of people come together and want to help out poor people in their community. These poor people would ask for everything example car, food, furniture items, baby clothes, adult clothes and so on. This girl, she is probably around 21 she would be begging for item all the time. I do not understand why because she is married and it's her choice she chose to be housewife and stay at home mom. So she wants to show she is not only taking f...

  20. I am excited summer is officially here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunny


      It doesn't snow on land but only on mountains but its still very cold. Don't think its like over there.

    3. cheercee


      Huh, we still have like auttumn here. It's always raining..:(

    4. Sreymao


      Raining nonstop in MN. Nice weather for a few days then rain

      I get sick cuz of this hot /cold

  21. Rumor going around that Tangmo and Tono are heading to Splitville. The reason, one of her really close friend came out said she has been sleeping with rich people for money. She even closed her IG too.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      I could careless. Lol

    3. honda


      It's probably Mo herself who released the rumor, this girl will do anything to make news and draw attention to herself. Loser girl.

    4. Noydarny80


      Still a guessing game. She doesn't want to talk about it but speculation they are truly over.

  22. Too early for tropical storm. We're under tropical storm warning. lol

  23. Mayfeather vs. Pacquiao fight. I hope Pacquiao win this fight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sreymao


      That's B'S scorecard.. it's Pacman. All the way # he didn't do Nothing

    3. Mai


      My dad said the same thing lol. He thought he was being punked lol

    4. Noydarny80


      My boyfriend said the same thing. The winner should have been Pacquaio.

  24. What did Mike and Bow won at KCL awards? I don't like her dress. But they looked cute together?

    1. NinjaKKN


      They didn't win anything. They were there as presenters. Ch.7 usually send their newbies to awards shows. Veterans actors don't attend unless they win something. Lol

    2. Noydarny80


      oh..I saw Mike holding the award and Bow standing next to him.lol

  25. I can't access any sub forums. I kept getting error page.

    1. Kidtueng


      I can't get in for the thread I mean go to Lakorn site only on home page

    2. nok


      I can't get in either

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