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Everything posted by tEaRdRoP

  1. Yup...Aof was sooooo adorable then. I like him having a lido meat on him. But now...he just looks old and bony in the face ahahha...
  2. P'Boy's stuff ahahaha...I lost his debut stuff cd and vcd. So I'm ordering that again. And I never did buy Aof's debut vcd so Imma get that too. I'll prolly buy the V Friends concert too. I dunno, but mostly AF stuff ahahhahaa...
  3. Well you said...'you think' so I wasn't sure ahahah....Aightz then Imma put in my order...Yay more unneccessary discs for me lols
  4. So is this site reliable like ethaicd??? I wanna put in an order next week but I'm still concerned because no one's really confirm the condition of their stuff and delivery. *sigh*
  5. Try BookingBuddy.com Noiki. You can compare prices among the sites. But for me, since I got to TX most of the time, I use Hotwire. To me they are the cheapest but the only suckie thing about them is that you don't know your itinerary until your purchase is finalize. So it's a high chance that you get the redeye flights. Also, try Priceline too. I use that one sometimes when I have last minute flights to arrange. You can bid for a low price with them. Sometimes it work and sometimes not.
  6. I dedicate one corner of my room to it ahahaha...Seriously tho, when pple come over, they are really shocked ahahaha...
  7. Cool...now I need to bulk up my orders aahahahaha. I swear I order to much crap!
  8. Just wondering if anyone has ever tried this site out? I found some stuff that I can't find on other sites that I wanna get. So if anyone has ordered from them before please give me the 411. Thanks a bunch!
  9. Anyone ever ordered or a member of the site? I wanna know if they're legit and how's the quality and service? I looked thru the site and they have a lot of stuff I want. I dun wanna make any decisions yet. Hopefully someone can help me decide. Thanks na ja
  10. I don't know yet. Maybe one that's pretty short ahaha...But I'm not sure if I'm gonna following thru. Noiki, yeah...I remember trying to use the movie maker to sub a 2-3 min clip. It took me dayz ahahaha...I downloaded a subtitle program at Sarn's and still haven't attempt it yet.
  11. Awe it's sad ya'll are not doing this anymore. I too wanted to sub some lakorns for my lil sister's friend. She's viet and she likes thai stuff but she don't understand it ahaha... Every time she's over watching stuff me with, she's always asking me this and that...And I keep telling I'll sub it for her but then I get too lazy cuz it takes too much time ahahah...plus I'm not really good with the subtitle program. Anyway, I do hope one day, ya'll pick this up again.
  12. tEaRdRoP


    YEah...it was a pretty hot but yet funny scene aahaha. I truly loved the lakorn tho.
  13. tEaRdRoP


    ISh ok, we're all grownupz here...well maybe LOLS
  14. tEaRdRoP


    Nevermind...figured it out ahahah
  15. tEaRdRoP


    Ok, I tried changing my avatar and it keeps giving me an error. The pix I tried to load from my comp is: JPEG FILE Dimensions: 136 X 148 Size: 3.87 KB ANY IDEA????
  16. I'll wait awhile until ya'll say it all good to go back cuz my butt got the trojan from there. I had to reboot and restore my comp. Then ran a virus scan, spybot/spyware scan, & adware scan. Took the whole dang night and the next day to get rid of the virus. Now because of it I do a virus scan every night just to be sure.
  17. Cool...I'mma check it out. THanks Kim.
  18. Opening as in watching it? My Windows Media plays all format. But if you want to convert it to something else or edit it, I use Nero or winAVI converter
  19. hahaha yeah I did that too the first time I tried it. I was so pissed off. But for me, I press record before I click on the video. I dunno if that will help you any but that seems to work for me.
  20. You just have to keep trying it again like what Noiki and Mai mentioned. Sometimes it works smoothly and other times it just doesn't want to cooperate with ya. You just have to be patient and wait it out.
  21. WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I finally got it to work! Now I can upload more goody for ya'll!
  22. Ok, I tried recording from thaitv but aint working for me....I tried copying the URL that the movie pops on but the recorder is unable to connect to that. Someone care to help me out heheh...
  23. Really?...that's not too bad... I spend more on my dvd a week ehehehe...But then again gotta love the quality tho.
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