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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. Mai was going to do that this month of after this month lol
  2. Wow lol let me see if I can catch Darv later. Omg talking about Darv I dreamed that I have a chat with him about presidency. *fnny* *fnny*
  3. When you go to school it automatically use their wifi. Lol i think. It usually catches a wifi and use that. *fnny* Does it work when you're at home?
  4. I go on with iPhone and it's fine. But it do load slow sometimes or it won't load and something else popped up so I just reload them. It should work fine.
  5. Covers mouth and laugh. Hilarious.

  6. Lmao! Remember newbie can't start topic. They have to make 5 posts I think before they can post. I think we set it that way cuz we were having do much spambot.
  7. it's just that ther eis nothing to update now.
  8. This is just a new thing we're trying. Lol A new thing you can follow and get to know or see what's new in the forum. http://www.facebook.com/SpicyForum
  9. This is sooo funny. You can shift the button you know. *fnny*
  10. we can put it on top on the right side lol so people can see. We have ads on the left. Paste that code in the appropriate area of your website's source code
  11. I don'tknow either *fnny* This is what it said Copy and paste the code into the HTML of your website wherever you would like the button to appear. (At this time, the follow button cannot be added to Facebook profiles.)
  12. someone embed this code in spicy forum <a href="https://twitter.com/SpicyForum" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @SpicyForum</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script> *fnny* *fnny* *fnny* so we have a follow@spicyforum on our forum. *fnny*
  13. YAHOOOOO Sunny? Do you know? Lol anyone? lol *fnny* we'll be like the Koreans use twitter too. Maybe, we might gain more traffic for Darv. *fnny* His face just disappear from us.
  14. How do I connect spicy to twitter? So everytime a news is update at Spicy, it automatically update on twitter? *fnny*
  15. *fnny* *fnny* *fnny* *fnny* https://twitter.com/#!/SpicyForum our first message was to Poj. But whatever. *fnny*
  16. *covers mouth, snorts and giggles* @manager's comments about his perfect beauty boy.

  17. Spamming too much. >< ROLLING.

  18. yeah. don't know what's going on. have to get a hold of Mr. Darvil
  19. I don't think it's a lakorn by them. It's more a person who use to be their acting trainer that moved to Ch3 and is directing for Ch3.
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