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Posts posted by KhoOnxNouxWanxJai

  1. Lol it is unheard of but sometimes cable companies do testing and stuff like that I think and they have network hiccups that causes it to happen... it normally last for like 1 minute lol so now i watch out and everytime in case one day i'll get that lucky again i'll upload like 30 files at once lmao ... I always tried looking for an explanation for it but never got a real explanation lol gosh if its possible to do 5 seconds for 500 mb i bet it'll be real expensive arse price for it lol

  2. I get different types of speed all the time for some reason LOL probably because I live near the cable company but my plan is the roadrunner 10 mpbs sometimes i get over that some how ... every now and there is a hiccup in their server and im uploading something to megaupload and it uploads the file in like 5 seconds when the file is like 500 mb! it's happened to me twice before i was so shocked i download the file like 3 times to check and i made my friends download to see if it works on their computer lol but I think thats only cause the cable company is like 2 streets down and they have hiccups and stuff sometimes.. the old man told me that sometimes when you live so close to it it's hard to monitor or something like that ... but i've never gotten below 10 mpbs... but when i visit my parents place >.< it's lagggggggggggggg to the max i never get anything over 7 mpbs lol

  3. I'm a Firefox fan just because it makes everything faster lol but must use IE if I want to watch iptv

    same im a firefox fan and I use to use IE for iptv too but there is something you could download to make it work on firefox ^__-" LOL

    spicy was a little slow for me earlier but it works fine now

    Oh can you please tell me what it is? I hate switching lol

    Sorry for the late response ja lol but it's a program called Media Warp Link it's pretty much a firefox add-on ja ^___-"

  4. Lol yeah i know how it feels thip ive done it numerous times thats why now i upgrade to hosting my own forum because at least i can restore the database and stuff like that in an event like that plus i have more freedom then with invisionfree, zeta and all them but its way more work and i started working on both like a month ago and still not done ^_^ I&#39;m such an idiot for spamming, I didn&#39;t read the forum rules. again thip!

  5. -.-" your internet provider cap your bandwidth Mai? weird mines doesn't but you probably live outside of the us? cause I know that outer countries do it iono about the us but maybe thats why we are running out of bandwidth *rll* cause we dont get capped most likely it'll count separate mai because it's considered 2 different connections

  6. I'm a Firefox fan just because it makes everything faster lol but must use IE if I want to watch iptv

    same im a firefox fan and I use to use IE for iptv too but there is something you could download to make it work on firefox ^__-" LOL

    spicy was a little slow for me earlier but it works fine now

  7. ^___-" Lol i am good at attracting virus's i remmber at one point I was attracting so much i had to reformat not just reboot but actually reformat LOL like 10 times in a week lmao not cause i was visiting bad sites but experimenting on certain things..and you get virus on bt.avistaz? i've never gotten a virus >.O lol

  8. Lol yeah boo I dont see why they would make it like that


    Like if you look at that particular blog post the first half of it was from regular streaming up until her first life death then the beginning of the 2nd wedding in the next lifetime is when i started using the HQ ones and they look alot different! But if it were with some channel 7 lakorns it would be the other way around ... so unfair !

  9. yeah you know what I notice than when i watch most channel 3 lakorns and channel 5 lakorns the HQ is slightly better but when it comes to Ch 7 it's hard to find a good quality for the HQ like I was trying to get clear caps of Pleng Ruk Karm Pope but nada they all come out even worst than the regular

  10. Yeah the hq isn't any much different but I do notice that sometimes when I do screencaps I notice for certain lakorns come out better while some comes up worst than the regular quality.


    Quality is slighty different -.-" i think but bareeeeeeeeeeeely! LOL

  11. I have no clue the only site that I know of that has lakorn to stream is thaitv, obizgo, and bbtv and obiz and bbtv has worst quality then iptv ... other than that i don't know TT.TT this totally blows lol and i tried sending them an e-mail to ask hahaha but no response yet and probably will never get any.

  12. -.-" I want the hq back! LOL dammits; I wonder if they really are going to put it back if not then i might have to start buying them after they air also -.-" sigh! not that I burn the hq but it's good for screencaps and the old man and i were gonna use it for the video site pooo!

  13. Maybe -.-" lol this sucks i was really dependent on the hq also dude .. maybe they'll bring it back .. lol hopefully this time it's avi format yah right lmao.. but i think im gonna try and ask lmao and see what they say.

  14. -.-" yeah maybe .. maybe it was killing their bandwidth; dude this sucks lol yeah I notice on some lakorns the HQ is real crappy compared to the live, but in some lakorns the HQ is real good like if you watch the shorter lakorns the HQ are real decent like exact lakorns when they were HQ I noticed a difference but longer lakorns like the primetime ones tend to have horrible quality esp in bright lighting for some reason. I hope they bring it back though I liked it =[ for certain lakorns.

  15. Lol yeah but for screencapping it's a tad bit better actually. -.-" awww's that sucks doode i'll have to wake early now jus to record yawwwwwwwwns! LOL man I wonder how the people at pantip have some CLEAR arse screencaps

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