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Posts posted by KhoOnxNouxWanxJai

  1. wait you were married for 9 years or dating for 9 years before the baby Tina? Why would people call you a slut when youre married?

    I cant believe the stuff Im reading in this thread sounds so relatable, i thought our family had issues lol

    I got married at 19 ish. I turn 29 this july. We had our baby boy last July on the 24th. I turned 28 on the 27th lol. We'll be celebrating our ten year anniversary in January 2017 lol. I don't even know why I'm considered a slut lol. Yet I have a relative who sleeps around more than I eat in a day and people praise her like she's a goddess. Last time the kept telling me how I should be more like her because she's doing so good in life she has a brand new luxury car, a townhouse in the nice area of downtown. The only problem is she is getting this stuff from married men. She is what American's call a sugar baby to married men lol. More nam nao than lakorns lol. I think I was married before I even joined spicy. Got married in like January 07 lol.

    (I think the only bad part is that we were only dating for a few months before we got hitched. We were friends for awhile though.)

    ....O/T - Feels like just yesterday I had my son and now I'm already almost celebrating his 1st birthday! Holy heck! Lol.

    My mom doesn't care about skin as long as it is appropriate to the location and event. One time she went off on a distant relative of hers for saying this about an 8 year old, "She is dressing like she wants a husband already." My mom was like "Only dirty sick people think that when they see an 8 year old girl in a cute bikini, its not even a two piece its a one piece."

  2. I understand Sunny lol because if you mind your own business, you are too "snobby" or think "you're too good" for them lol. I remember when I choose to go to college. Not many of my relatives had even made it through high school so it was kind of a big deal. For me it wasn't because my mom went to college. She dropped out 3/4 a way through, but she went back and finished her degree while I was in high school. I wanted to be like my mom and go to college. I didn't talk to people much anymore after that because well college isn't a walk in the park. This made me "stuck up." and "not proud of who I am." This mentality was shocking to me because my parents always taught me that people come to America to seek a better life and opportunity, so naturally college is one of those things to better your life right? So I didn't understand why they were so bitter about it lol. The two faced thing is annoying because the person who is spreading the rumors would have the nerves to deny to your first they did it when you clearly know they were the only other person aside you that knew lol!

    I think the only thing I did really that would be considered a "scandal" is get married at 19 lol. Many people said it wouldn't last and I'm already half way through year 9 lol.

  3. My mom always told me no matter how close I am with someone (by this she meant my asian friends or relatives) never trust them because "many" (all) of them are two faced. I thought she was cray cray, but once I made the mistake of sharing a secret with someone I could call a best friend, and before I knew it all the asians knew about it lol. Then she had the nerves to deny it was her that told anyone. YOU'RE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON I TOLD lol.

  4. Lol it's like me being called a slut because I had a kid. I was a few days from turning 28 (when my son was born) and I have been married for 9 years. I know why my parents keep me away from a majority of my Asian relatives as I grew up lol. No joke, my parents didn't really let me hang out with other Asian kids for some odd reason. As I grew up I started to realize why.

  5. Lol I know she is cause the face, but I was just saying that in some cases I do understand that some people need to keep busy to help cope with loss. Putting your child through labor to get what you need is cruel. Reminds me of a co workers wife. She refuses to care for her children and family because her father passed away. It's sad that her father passed away, but she doesn't cook for her kids, she doesn't pick them up from school, she goes out with her sisters and spends her husband entire paycheck on treating her sisters and friends out while her kids are at home with no food. Her reason is because she's sad and want to spend as much time as she could with her family. I'm like aren't your kids your family? Lol.

  6. I'm not going to lie, I don't read up much on her after I realized how much work she accepted for Mali lol. I wouldn't care as much if it were just her, but the fact that she is parading her daughter with all this work -.-. I don't want to think bad about her since her husband passed away, but apparently she doesn't really want people to feel that bad for her lol. I'm not saying she's not sad or whatever. I know people deal differently, but *knock on wood* if it were my husband I wouldn't even want to see people, much less be in the public eye lol.

  7. My husband had two best friends that were also deployed. One came back earlier and started sleeping with the other's girlfriend. The horrible thing is when the other friend came back. Both went to pick him up at the airport like nothing happened. When they got home everyone was shocked that he was still nice to both. Their other close friend ended up saying, "Dude it doesn't bother you that Kim and Him are sleeping together, and she left you for him?" When he confronted both. She went, "Oh I guess you didn't get my instant message." WTF????! LOL! She went to pick him up because he had left her a message oblivious to her supposed instant message. She was kind of confused, but picked him up anyway. Needless to say the two guys are no longer best friends. It's a shame because they have known each other since they were 3! The girl was shady as hell because she would tell the one she cheated on about all these problems she was having financially and such. Him loving her and wanting to be there for her sent her money, had his family give her money, and in the end she was using to spend on the other guy.

  8. I'm not going to lie, when my husband was gone/deployed... I was worried, but barely noticed because I was sooo focused on school. It made me feel relieved a little that I didn't have to try to manage husband and school at the same time lol. I'm not complaining, but right now baby, husband, school, work, and etc. Oh goodness! Even now he works 1 full time, 2 part time jobs. I barely see him, and can't complain because I know it is what he feels he needs to do for the family. Every now and then PTSD comes back though if there is like a trigger. It was pretty much dormant for a few years, but when we got pregnant and had to adjust our lifestyle it came back. I would find him screaming in his sleep or attempting to army crawl off the bed.

    ROTC if you do it here and finish with a higher degree, the higher rank and pay grade (although military pay isn't so great). There are a few people I know who finished with a bachelors degree and they outrank some who has been in the military for 10+ years. It's kinda sad that in this situation the degree trumps experience :(

  9. Yup, that's how long Us Marine deployment too. Trust me six months goes fast and belong the guy is home already. Lol

    I guess Chin's situation is the talk of the town. it have people talking about Conscription service and some people do not see it.


    It depends though on where they are deployed lol. Cause if my hubby is deployed in like Afghanistan or Iraq those 6 months are lonnnng! It was hard to listen to the news or anything and everytime you see "US Marines killed in..." you're like hyperventilating lol.

  10. I don't get why so scared to serve? Lol. They don't do much like Mai said right? Probably they are afraid of no freedom and can't come and go as they please. I would understand if you are afraid to serve in like American Military. My husband was US Marine and his job was to transport weapons from one location to the next. It was scary because sometimes you would see people in distress, but have to ignore them because you don't know if it's just a diversion, and at the same time you don't know if you're leaving someone to die. They should be glad that Thailand isn't really a war ridden country. Even if they were I'm sure they would much rather send men with extensive training than a bunch of celebs who were drafted in lol.

  11. dootv is pretty good but they offer 3 months subscriptions as the smallest package for about 25 USD ... other sites that have been good for the last few years obizgo.com which offer a 15 day package at 6 bucks, 30 days for about 10 dollars... and then there is bbtvthai.com which also offer monthly services

  12. Dootv is 3 months subscription but I think its cheaper then thaitv isn't it? Wasn't thaitv like 35 dollars or something for 3 months?

    Edit: to those who bought subscriptions for over 10 dollars call your bank! or credit card company you will get your money refunded by opening a dispute.

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