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Status Updates posted by Sunny

  1. August you are killing me!! I can't keep up with two jobs and studying anymore owwww so stressed T__T

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Maiko


      Wha hahahaha! Not all the time! LOL! xD But thank you! xD And of course, you're welcome! =D

    3. Sunny


      Best wishes to you too with your work! don't get side track too much with SSP na! wish I was still into Gan and Thit so I can conversation with you girls!

    4. Maiko


      Awh, kisses to you for being so nice and sweet, Sunny! ;) Hahaha, the end is near (for SSP)! As much as I'll miss them (Toomtam and Vill haha), I'll be happy when I get my boring life back. =D It would be so much more fun if you talk with us...T_T But I understand you're busy, so no hard feelings! I love hearing from you now and then! xD Later! :D

  2. Aum stopped in the middle of the road to help a dying dog that was ran over T__T the dog lost a lot of blood, she carried the dog onto the footpath. She cried and pity the dog.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunny


      I know but if I was in Thailand and I saw that, as much as I would like to help too but I'm scared I'll get run over myself as well, tsk.

    3. shampoo


      Lol some people are like that. I personally has never done anything like that. Maybe I don't have enough of a kind heart ahhaha

    4. Kimix


      Aum is srsly too sweet, and kind towards domestic animals. That cold demon could have ran a person over too, like that case in China, some indecent driver ran a kid over!!!Poorness! Rest in peace doggy.

  3. Aww no one wants to visit Linna profile lol

  4. Awww Thank you lovely!

  5. Awww there there Amp, cheer up, I'm upset that I didnt meet her na, not that I dont try but BKK is a huge place and to get to one place takes alot of time, her pub is along way, can take up to 3 hours plus traffic to get there.

  6. Baby girl is born, love love love <3

  7. Bargin! got myself a 5 stars resort stay in Phuket for $90 per night hehehehehe

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sunny


      Thanks newtolakorns, I'm going in October

    3. shampoo


      Don't forget to stalk James and tell us how handsome he is. Better confirm he's a 10.

    4. Sunny


      but can you really trust me and my ratings? 55555+ I wanna see Nadech in his worst for some reason LOL

  8. been working day & night to save money for the holiday HAHAHA this is mega funny!! lol.

  9. Bought shares for 0.33 cents but now its worth $1.30 how totally awesome! *fingers cross* for further value lol

    1. Kizukami


      wow lol which company do u purchase the shares from? My teacher says it's the best time to buy stocks, right now LOOL

    2. NinjaKKN
    3. Sunny


      I got a share in Brazil Goldmine.. not sure of the company name, normally their shares are worth $1 above but that day it dropped to .33cents so I went for it lol, already made $300 extra, hopefully by 12 months I should make $1000 extra ^^

  10. Break me, to learn that Aimee went to stay at the same apartment I stayed in Syd two weeks ago... serious! :(

  11. Bring on the game! I'm dressed in my German colours ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kwan20
    3. Mai


      go Canada! kidding kidding! lol

    4. Sunny


      I'm sorry but Germany won Muhahahhaha!!

  12. Budapest, Hungarian seriously looks like some towns in Thailand it's so interesting but its also so pretty!

    1. Noydarny80
    2. Sunny


      Its a surprisingly beautiful gem, Budapest was not on my list to visit but last minute decision, a great one :)

  13. Came back from the family gataway, if stick to original plan it would cost 1300 less T__T oh god!!

  14. Can't believe I study for 2 months and than I had 2 weeks holiday and I've forgotten everything I learnt :/

  15. Can't believe it is 1 year since I left Paris, Europe to be back to my home and to my family. Already planning to go back to Europe next year. Going to walk the path I did, when I was a student studying there hehe.

    1. Kimix


      Paris is my dream vacation city! You so rich! Traveling every year. lmbo!! Have fun!!!!

    2. Sunny


      I'm no rich, I just work hard and invest my money all into traveling lol.

  16. Can't wait for my holiday, just wanna relax

  17. Can't wait til my holiday! But than, I wish it will be over asap. Bye bye my money..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      Not really counting but its exciting and tiring at the same time as I'm going to three countries, I'm really trying to pack it in lol

    3. Noydarny80


      Well I am counting to trip to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for May of 2016. Probably not going to stalk any celebrities because my boyfriend wants to see rural area more then the cities.

    4. Sunny


      At least those countries are very close to each other, I have to fly to get to another country plus all with stop overs T__T

  18. Cannot wait for Easter! Booked the hotel, ahhh finally a rest!

  19. Check out my hi5 sweets, I've updated some photos from Thailand lol.

  20. check out my post in the admin Shamp! i need help :)

  21. come back home to Spicy ... three weeks, where have the time gone..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sreymao


      Hi Sunny, welcome back miss u na

    3. NinjaKKN


      Welcome back Sunny! You've been missed.

    4. aikoden


      Welcome back P'Sunny! Glad to have you back :)

  22. Cooking eggs on a pan without a stove at 113 Fahrenheit or 45 degrees outside in the heatwave, awesome ^^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunny


      Wish this weather was on the Thai protest haha how will they survive lol the weather already caused about 400 minor fires.

    3. teptida


      it rains here like always but i heard it will snow next week.

    4. Mai


      that's funny Sunny

  23. Counting down to EXAMS TIME ... all June :(

  24. Cut laew Cut ek, Ch7 does Cut again and Cut again (Praao ending part 1 replay haha) following their slogan 5555

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