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Status Updates posted by Sunny

  1. I just want to close my eyes and get June out of the way z_z

    1. NinjaKKN


      Why would anyone want to wish June away? It's a lovely month. Lol

    2. Sunny


      I just want it to be gone asap because of exams, kill off the pressure hehe

  2. Already last day of January :(

    1. sunnyaucheung


      why the sad face? haha Feb should a good month since Weir and Min will have event together. :)

    2. Sunny


      Sad because time is just flying away. February for me is memorable, my life changed this time last year lol.

  3. Watching lakorns with my parents and I complained of all the things I would of done. My father ''You would be a great director'' in a praising way :o surprised comment hehe.

    1. Mai


      My parents say the same but it's not a compliment but sarcasm

    2. Sunny


      I think it was a compliment because he never said it before, first time last night I probably have said something he would like to see also lol

  4. Goblin OST is probably the best ever OST from a K-series. Every songs, every instruments, epic!

    1. Mai


      Usually youre blind and deaf to anything youre obsessed about lol.  So I would say youre being biased lol

    2. Sunny


      I liked many K-series last year but I think Goblin has the best, like all the songs and even instruments. Normally with K-series I only liked selected songs and not all. I even invest in buying the CDs haha which is a first.

  5. All these Chinese series, errr, its not like I need sleep anyways! :ninja:

    1. shampoo
    2. NinjaKKN


      Oh, I see the status bar is back now. 555 Sunny, me too. 

  6. Watched a Chinese drama that was said to be remark of 'Sawan Biang' HAHA dumbest of the dumbest female lead role I've ever seen in my series watching history !!

    1. krisayaporn


      Wah!!! I need to watch that either. Please, tell a chinese name. I will search that

    2. Sunny


      Its really really slow and the n'ek is very very dumb, the storyline doesn't even have anything like SB only the part about the sis marrying p'ek dad. I watched it and finished it within one night as I FF alot!! But if you really want, its called "Love is the Best" its on Viki.

  7. I think its a boy but I hope for a girl haha!

    1. shampoo


      Wow it's a BOY!!!! How lucky for the Royals ahahahah

    2. Sunny


      Wow what a lucky guess for me we have a future KING!

  8. Hate it when I'm requesting something and the salesperson cannot find it but their tone to me is as if I'm dumb! In the end they find what I want and dude should I even buy it now!!

    1. Noydarny80


      I wouldn't buy it. Unless they are the only shop in town. I work with customer service all my life and being rude to your customer is one of the thing I will not tolerate.

    2. Sunny


      they probably gossip about me after i leave lol but i will go back tomorrow and hopefully its a new person haha its a furniture and electric store so maybe tomorrow I'll get someone who's smarter -_-

  9. Met twins "Joshua & Hayden" from lakorn Monruk Gae Bon, OMO cuteness and naughtiness OVERLOAD!

    1. Thip


      oh how cool! They are cute tho!

    2. Sunny


      We went to their house! They were so naughty but so energetic too!!

  10. Can't believe it is 1 year since I left Paris, Europe to be back to my home and to my family. Already planning to go back to Europe next year. Going to walk the path I did, when I was a student studying there hehe.

    1. Kimix


      Paris is my dream vacation city! You so rich! Traveling every year. lmbo!! Have fun!!!!

    2. Sunny


      I'm no rich, I just work hard and invest my money all into traveling lol.

  11. Such a lonely Christmas this year for me, K-drama is my friend... maybe cake and wine too. :unsure:

    1. Thip


      join the club lol. Merry Christmas Sunny*het*

    2. Sunny


      Aawww thank you now I feel loved, Merry Christmas to you too!

  12. Lah Ruk fans ~ We have a date tonight for the final episode. Don't forget to be here (>‿◠)✌

    1. Noydarny80


      I can't at work right now. I guess I'll have to read your update for it.

    2. Sunny


      Oww that's too bad, but I hope we can still spam about it all night ^^

  13. All three reports for three different classes is due in the same week, I wanna die T___T

    1. tipstar


      Sounds like VCE all over again.

    2. Sunny


      VCE it doesn't seem to matter if you pass or not with the reports as long as you pass the exams LOL in Uni, the marks add up with the exams mark to make it a pass at the end hehe.

  14. Officially doing two jobs + studying! come on now!

    1. NinjaKKN


      Wow...that's rough. Hope you have still time to spazz on Weir & Min. Lol

    2. Sunny


      Hi Ninja, I will surly squeeze in time for them! Right now I just need savings to make a Thailand trip and go to study overseas after haha, go through the pain and stress now so when time comes I can smile and enjoy :)

  15. Ch7's kissing is becoming advance!? I saw clips on YT of Ch7 lakorn and whaoo, when did this kind of stuff become the norm? The kisses are good but still the same old kiss slap and leads not saying what their hearts wants. But the point is... THE KISS have advanced!? hahaha Its no longer fake its totally a kiss! Sorry I haven't been watching Ch7 lakorn for 2-3 years?

    1. Thip


      which kiss sunny? and by who hahahha

    2. Sunny


      I've no idea who they were haha it was a random clip that pop up on YT as recommend LOL as it can tell what I've been watching hahaha. But its not like foreign kisses, just that its not what I've seen from on Ch7 before so it was a new thing. No more blocking and censoring lol.

  16. What is wrong with our world! its becoming a daily thing on the news that someone has attacked and killed and injured people! Lets move to Mars, I'm tired of this planet :(

    1. NinjaKKN


      Is Mars really more peaceful? Maybe there will be some alien war up there. lol

    2. Sunny


      I would be so interested! lol

  17. So happy to read the 13 lives of football team are found safe and alive in the cave after 9 days!

    1. tovsleeptov


      I saw!!! Omg so happy for their parent and all those hard works people that never give up ?. Such a miracle how they stay alive for 9days. God bless them!

    2. LyLy


      I cried when i heard.  I was so happy to hear.  Thanks to all the brave men and women heroes for not giving up on them. 

  18. Yipee! This love ain't finished yet <3 <3

    1. NinjaKKN


      If the love is finished then it might not be true love. Lol

    2. Sunny


      forever lasting love :D

  19. Jai Luang Part 2? For real?? :D

    1. roselovesice


      According to Fluke, they're going to start filming in 2 weeks! 

    2. Sunny


      Ahhh I'm excited yes!

  20. Thanks to everyone for keeping Spicy updated :)

  21. Sorry guys the forum went crazzzy *bellow*

    1. tEaRdRoP


      Yup...I think at one point I was banned.  I was like what the heck, what did I do?  LOLS... it's all good now.

    2. Sunny


      What? haha sorry T__T I was so late on noticing it

  22. Budapest, Hungarian seriously looks like some towns in Thailand it's so interesting but its also so pretty!

    1. Noydarny80
    2. Sunny


      Its a surprisingly beautiful gem, Budapest was not on my list to visit but last minute decision, a great one :)

  23. I miss making fans MV :(

    1. Thip


      I wish I have the motivations to make one, not having ur own computer makes me even lazier hahah

    2. Sunny


      I have motivations but no time :( no longer that teen girl who has no work and life to sit and make MVs anymore T__T

  24. My fault, the forum was down because I forgot to change the IP address. Whew lucky it wasn't long. *het*

    1. Shaunty23


      Good thing it’s fixed now. :1269976tsewglblw1: Thank you Sunny*yss*

  25. Confused feeling with my '0' Birthday this year but I'm so happy to be spending this year active at Spicy, thanks to everyone who has made me smile throughout the year here. *het*

    1. gumiho


      Awww Happy Birthday Sunny!!! :) 

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