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Kate562 last won the day on May 29

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  1. Happy Friday!!! I can’t wait for the weekend to enjoy watching Casual and Perfect!! :t4529:

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    2. Kate562


      The actor in DITK reminds me of Ananda  E, he’s older, but still handsome. The rich in lakorns has a lot of time chasing after the girls and we can never figure how they’re still rich.

      I’ll wait for “You are my Glory” to finish so I can binge watch. Haha. I don’t know any of these new Chinese actors so it’s a breath of fresh air. I enjoy it more not knowing them.

      I have to put DITK on hold until the weekend. Need to be productive at work this week. Lol. Have a great week, Sunny!!

    3. Sunny


      It's always very nice to see new faces that can act and playing a good refreshing story. I think YAMG might be a few weeks before all subbed episodes are posted haha *crying in pain* but it'll be worth it, it's YangDi after all they are too eye candy to resist. :wub:

      OK hope you have fun at work and enjoy your drama watching on weekends again. 

    4. Kate562


      Ah, I couldn’t stop watching DITK! Lol. I like they show the different way of who a young girl love and an older man’s love. FM showing the care free and full of energy in life. Gosh how I missed being young!! Lol. ML showing the mature love and trying to keep up with the young girlfriend. 
      In real life, I can see why some older men falls for young girls fast. They have that energy to do so much that also makes the men feel young again. I think I’m almost done, I’m on ep20 already. Weird how ML announced to everyone that FL is his fiancée without proposing to her first. Lol

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