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Posts posted by ASH30

  1. It does sound like Kwan's mom. If that's the case I don't know how their relationship is going to be a happy one. Her mom and sis doesn't like him. That's why when her sister act out at the event it feels like it wasn't just that moment where Golf got to her. It's almost snowball from many other ones. That's why the behind the scenes are a lot more complicated than any of us knows. Man, if it's Golf climbing through the window and cussed out her mom that's just...but love is blind...Kwan's just too in love the second time around it would not surprised me if a choice was given between family and Golf and she chooses him at the moment because she's in love and thankful she's given a second chance with him.

  2. The girls look unflattering lol. The color of the outfits look washed out. If I have to eliminate two hahaha it would be Mew and Preem. With Mint C. Even if people said they have moved on it seemed they avoid putting any of the people in the drama together. And when they are together you can still feel the awkwardness and tension.

  3. Oh, now I remember. Noy was commenting about Golf and his family. Like the drama with kwan's sister and stuff. I think, I mentioned that producers should stop remaking lakorns and make lakorns based on the celebrities lives at least they have fresh materials instead of recycling old lakorns lol. I wished a producer would have the guts to do it hahahah

  4. lol Ash youre in the wrong thread.

    I dont think its going to last between Golf and Kwan anyway. The media was probably pissed that they didnt get their interview, so Kwan did the right thing to apologize instead of making excuses

    Hahaha did I? I don't even remember what I wrote. I'm so bored just jumping from one thread to another. It is a bummer when you are sick on a Friday. I think Kwan/Golf might last a while. They dated once so they might not give up too soon. Especially, now that she's more famous Golf knows what he's missing lol

  5. It's looking more and more like Golf is seeing opportunity in Kwan. He could have just stood in the background and support her. Golf knows what he's doing. He's irrelevant and then now Kwan is getting him in the news again. The sister might be selfish and acts crazy but Golf ain't all that innocent either.

  6. Oh, some rich people are very frugal. There's this one man who was really rich. When he passed away he gave 10 millions to his college and charities. The thing is no one knew he was rich. He rides the bus to work everyday...wore the same shoes till it has holes. Only until he died did they know the man has serious cash. One girl, married to a rich guy but she didn't have all the money to spend instead he gave her an allowance. Once it ran out she has to wait till the next month lol.

  7. Well then, noon is just unlucky with men in her live. I have always wondered about pretty girls and the men that cheat on them. When I was younger...in my teen I see these beautiful girls married to a decent looking guy and is being cheat on. I wonder why it was that way. But that was my teen years. One of my sister's friend was a pretty girl and her hubby was straight up ugly. Like chubby, short, dark skin...like dark almost purple. Anyway, he cheated on her. Even when I was little it didn't make sense. I remembered reading something once of a woman staying with her cheating husband. The question was why? She said, why not? What if she leaves him and ends up with another that cheated again. It would mean she has to start over with the same result just a different man.

  8. I think the only way noon would force herself to leave if he has a child somewhere. I wonder if she regrets ever leaving Kade. She could have been leading a normal happy life with someone who loves her but isn't filthy rich. She walked into this marriage even knowing it was half full. To me, she deserves it though. She knows his reputation and still goes through with it that is her fault. Money can give you only so much. I would think that since no kids involved it would be easier for her to leave, I guess not.

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