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Posts posted by ASH30

  1. Sometimes the fans claimed it's fake or photo shopped because they want to protect the stars. I want to see how this played out. Is it going to die down or does she have more proof. That Edison case was a epic mess. Them girls whom they make the public to believe was all nice and pure in the world eyes were having some behind the scenes fun lol. Edison was on another level with that scandal.

  2. I dont think his wife gives a care in the world. She has got to know the player he is. And this girl is just another girl out of a dozen who probably are calling her before and after the wedding. Its not who he has slept with, its who has married that matters to her

    That's a bummer...the thing girls give up to marry a celebrity. I don't know how the wife can make love to the husband and not worry about STD and such. For fame/money or whatever. I just couldn't do it...when I'm married I would like the guy to myself not the guy and some random girls every other week. If his wife can put up with it that's more power to her.

  3. lol Ash it was probably the worse for you because you probably got attacked for your opinions. I think those were one of those threads where the admins werent so active and we had to jump in and tell Mark-Kim fans to let every have their opinion

    It was just those thread that it wasn't going anywhere. The dead horse was beaten so bad, he probably wished he was alive just to tell us...screw it lol

  4. I think after the 100 days, if she wanted to do photos it would be more appropriate. IlTo me, she's getting her feet wet in that regard a bit early and deemed insincere about the whole thing. Mali, seemed to captured a whole lots of hearts so she'll probably get offers...but the 100 days time frame isn't a bad idea.

  5. Yeah, there's lot of scandalous stuff happened behind closed doors. That's why when some fans says that the stars they like are innocent I have a hard time believing them.

    There's not a whole lot of dark, tall and handsome out there. So it's easy to guessed lol

  6. People tell me that if you dream of a dead person and they asked to come live with you and if you say yes, then when you get pregnant it's that person born to you. I don't know, I dreamed of him so long that when he stopped visiting I kind of missed him lol. He was never an ugly person when I dreamed of him, he always dressed nice and looked happy that's why I never tho the passed away. I got to talked to my best friend about dreaming about him. She was like, you didn't know he passed away at 21 from drowning. I was so surprised and weird out I kept seeing him in my dreams. Dreams do mean something. I once dreamed I got stabbed aND beginning to die... I woke up from the dream and I was very sick. The spot I got stabbed hurts and I so terrible sick the whole day.

  7. I have a tendency of dreaming about dead people. I think it's normal lol. One time I dream about this one guy for almost 5 years. Every few months I would see him in my dreams, the thing was I didn't know he passed away a while back. The last dream I had of him was when he asked me if he could come and live with me? I told him no, and that was the last time I ever saw him again. It was a strange experience.

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