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Posts posted by honda

  1. No it doenst lol. I have big boobies by nature, and even when I wasnt overweight it didnt help me look any thinner *^lol*

    At the very least, I think it gives the appearance of a less bulgy stomach. I have a friend how is a the same size as me (maybe just a tad meatier) but with bigger boobies and her stomach seems to look smaller than mine.

  2. It has been a while since I'v been in a heated debate thread lol I think the last one was the Annie Brook and Film scandal. I was attacked because I didn't support Annie lol. Why is it supporters think they're the only ones entilted to voice their opinions? If us non-supports voice ours, we're asked to ignore the thread if we don't agree. Debates are healthy. It can help each side see things that they may not have noticed or gave much thought to.

  3. Just because I don't agree with Bow's actions does not mean I don't have sympathy for her loss. To be honest, I don't think the media's main reason for covering her and Mali is in support of her loss but more because it makes them money. If her news didn't sell, I highly doubt that they would be following her like this. Thai ET loves a scandal. Why??? Scandal equals money.

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't think anyone here is saying Bow needs to wear black, stay home, and cry her eyes out everyday to mourn her husband's death. I'm pretty sure everyone wants her to go back to living her normal life as quick as possible, key word being "normal". Photo shoots and events is not Bow's "normal" life. For someone who wanted privacy and to stay off the radar, her actions here is the complete opposite. Yes, she's not forcing herself down our throats but she does play a part in putting herself out there to be criticized. I think if she would have waited until after the 100 days to accept photo shoots and events, people like me would be more understanding. I'm not saying my opinion is right, but I do have a right to voice my opinion. And yes, at the end of the day it is Bow's life and she has the right to choose how she wants to live it and there is nothing anyone of us can do about it. As viewers, I don't think anyone of us can say for a fact what Bow's reasons are for doing what she is doing. Let's be respectful of one another's opinion and not attack each other.

  5. I don't think there's ever enough time for one to prepare for the loss of a love one, emotionally that is. You can financially prepare for losing a love one, but I don't think any amount of time can prepare you emotionally. I loss my grandparents last year and knew I would months in advance but emotionally I still felt like I was hit out of no where.

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