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Kimix last won the day on January 23 2018

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  1. so noticed it was mint chalida's bday today. nobody from the gang lom wished her birthday. well, its understand from MK bc they got beef before, but not even from yaya or boy. geezz, GL is over. lolz

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kimix


      its funny how kim,yaya and mint were the closest in the beginning. they even went to yaya's house in pataya back then. margie was never with the girls unless it was all guys/girls gathering. but now, margie seems to be the expertise in the BFF world for them. lmao! well, it is what it is. guess, mint is doomed or something. don't know how to explain. it wouldnt be fair if they didnt invite mint though. so shady. but mint acts like mai d and janie are her BFFs too so who cares? lol

    3. vmnew


      I think it's a factor of growing up. All the girls were in their teens trying to make sense of the ET world together. Just like after high school you don't necessarily always remains close to the same people. You fall out sometimes... even if you don't, you grow distant as each person wants something different in life. To me it just feels like the natural progression of life and growing up. Margi is older than these girls so she has a few more years of maturity to fall back on.

    4. Noydarny80


      I understand what you are saying Vmnew. The problem is channel 3 marketing and PR people. They could have better PR then let them fall like it.

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